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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fiona Elisha + I'm a bad ?


We have a deep conversation
Maybe we have the same situation 
We get to comfort each other well

♥ Miss her so much 

I'm so sorry that day I couldn't have the dinner with you
Now i need to wait for JULY ><

Sometimes I feel like we are not so close!
But sometimes you make me feel we are close!

So, actually
Are we close enough? 
I guess so
I hope you so

See ya ! 


Sometimes I care about people sight
Sometimes I care about people care 
Sometimes I care about people life

Because of your thoughts
Because of your words

Sometimes I do feel bad about myself.... 
I feel bad not because of myself is because of the sight of others about me

I don't know how to face you all
I don't know what should I say

"How are you"?

Of course no.....this will make you all feel like I'm "fake"

I knew what no matter what I do or what I said is seriously a mad for you'll
