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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Singapore - Day 54

Day 54 in Singapore 

Day by day passed,I am here for almost two months. 
Not an easy task for me especially because I've never travel myself alone or doing something without buddy.

I went to Singapore for almost 3 times , doing research for university , interviewing for jobs , body health screening ,it was damn scary when you travel alone to a place that you're not familiar with it. 

Lesson 1 - Courage

Your daily first task come to Singapore would probably walk! Al right yeah , you have no choice but just accept it and if you do , you will actually adapt it fast. *think about dieting

Lesson 2- Walk * prepare a good shoes instead of a pretty one

Okay, so I actually just went around without knowing the location .The easiest way for me was "ask others don't be shame about that " some of my friends would advise me to find myself first and if I cant find then I ask. Here come the problems , I don't even know where should I start to find the location , it was like " right or left?" and you'll be standing there like a fool and I can actually guarantee that. *hehe

Lesson 3- Don't Be Afraid to Ask

Then , I actually starts my work after 2 days I'm staying here .Everything is different hell yeah , I was assign to a buddy called Susan. She just taught me everything on the first week as I must try adsorb it fast. This is what they so called "high efficiency" in Singapore in fact their services in Singapore is not bad actually.After one week I was assign at the counter and I was started to handle with my own but of course you may still ask if you have something that you don't understand. *But everyone was busy like hell
The most part that I hate was picking up the phone calls and I picked up the phone calls without zero knowledge. I was like *wtf ! Damn  and phone calls keep ringing 

Lesson 4 - Fast learner * wrote down everything

Talking about the food part is always my favourite <3 .arghh="" 2="" :="" a="" about="" after="" all="" and="" are="" ban="" because="" big="" but="" can="" check="" chicken="" dimsum="" div="" don="" eat="" first="" food="" for="" fruits="" fu="" half="" have="" i="" in="" is="" it="" kopitiam="" like="" mian="" mixed="" more="" no="" not="" of="" on="" only="" options="" or="" plesae="" portion="" regualry="" rice="" same="" say="" serving="" singapore="" t="" tau="" that="" the="" there="" time="" to="" used="" vege="" was="" week="" weeks="" weight="" whenever="" whole="" will="" worries="" worry="" xd="" yong="" you="" your="">

Let's go out for dinner? No!
Let's go out for movie? No!
It was like a no for me for around the first 2 weeks I stay in Singapore because I'm tired of walking and I just have my weekends to actually rest my both side legs.I have a question to my friend who staying in Singapore too , why everyone hang out on Friday and Saturday perhaps stay in the house and relax themselves? Now I realize, it was because the house in Singapore is quite small , oh no is tiny I meant *haha
Is time to unwind for them.

Lesson 5 - Eat and Enjoy & Spend when you need it !

Okay , that's all for today I'll share more for next turn :) Good night 

P/S: Need to wake up arounf 5.30 AM