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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Something about me :)

First of all , introducing myself , XD
I'm Lynn , 19 years old ( getting 20 =.='' )
Done! :)

Let me introduce you all my dearest in my life !

♥ Cheah Wei Li 
Primary school friends but we get to understand each other when we went to the same secondary school ! 

She was so cool last time but not now....Teehee 

 Baby Dear 
♥ Low Pei Qi 

She spend most of her time with talking on phone , i guess...
Even when last time when I;m overnight at her house...

Midnight! She was babbling in the blanket ! Oh,gosh...I thought she was dreaming =.=''
Perhaps she told me she was on the phone tomorrow morning...

 ♥ Oon Sing Hui 
She called herself ''worms ?'' WHY?
haha , don't ask me

Okay,let talk something about she and me? Ermmm...
Nothing , XD
Oh , shopping with bicycle when we dont have licenses? HAHA , funny !

 ♥ Sheau Gee 
We used to call her FISH
We are friends since we were in primary school...Cool
Is not easy maintain such relationships between girls..XD

Appreciate it 

♥ Ginny Chiong 
She is a pretty girl but used to be late...
All of us knew and nothing can be solve with it even u tell the time 2 hours earlier she can still be late !

How impressive is she !

 ♥ Vanessa Tan ♥ , we called ''sasa''
We have the same birthday , yeah !

I ♥ the moment when we sit next to each other , copying the homework, and chit-chatting..^^

 ♥ Shabu 
Same birthday too...XD....yup, three of us
I hate when she asked me stupid question..

''I want to pass urine'' she said and looked at me..
WtH , please go toilet la...what for telling me this..XD

 ♥ Tying Tying 
There is a plenty time we have been stick together , chatting and talking others..XD
Barbecue time ^^

Take care when you're not with me >< 

♥ Amanda Bok 

She is a beautiful girl too....A lots of people say that...Isn't?
Fair enough ! *jealous* ^^

That is about my friends in my life....Cute enough to know them..^^

What things I hate the most ?
I'm sure my friend can answer this
Yeah,right.....'' SMS '' !

I can't stand when my phone keep 'dring...' not even a minute....argh...
Slide , open message , read and reply.....UHNO....please dont
Tell me your main point , thats it.....

BTW,there is still an excuse if I'm too free go good mood :)
Ignore me if you ignore my feelings

What things I like the most? 

It's time to sleep , night !