Day 54 in Singapore
Not an easy task for me especially because I've never travel myself alone or doing something without buddy.
I went to Singapore for almost 3 times , doing research for university , interviewing for jobs , body health screening ,it was damn scary when you travel alone to a place that you're not familiar with it.
Lesson 1 - Courage
Your daily first task come to Singapore would probably walk! Al right yeah , you have no choice but just accept it and if you do , you will actually adapt it fast. *think about dieting
Lesson 2- Walk * prepare a good shoes instead of a pretty one
Okay, so I actually just went around without knowing the location .The easiest way for me was "ask others don't be shame about that " some of my friends would advise me to find myself first and if I cant find then I ask. Here come the problems , I don't even know where should I start to find the location , it was like " right or left?" and you'll be standing there like a fool and I can actually guarantee that. *hehe
Lesson 3- Don't Be Afraid to Ask
Then , I actually starts my work after 2 days I'm staying here .Everything is different hell yeah , I was assign to a buddy called Susan. She just taught me everything on the first week as I must try adsorb it fast. This is what they so called "high efficiency" in Singapore in fact their services in Singapore is not bad actually.After one week I was assign at the counter and I was started to handle with my own but of course you may still ask if you have something that you don't understand. *But everyone was busy like hell
The most part that I hate was picking up the phone calls and I picked up the phone calls without zero knowledge. I was like *wtf ! Damn and phone calls keep ringing
Lesson 4 - Fast learner * wrote down everything
Talking about the food part is always my favourite <3 .arghh="" 2="" :="" a="" about="" after="" all="" and="" are="" ban="" because="" big="" but="" can="" check="" chicken="" dimsum="" div="" don="" eat="" first="" food="" for="" fruits="" fu="" half="" have="" i="" in="" is="" it="" kopitiam="" like="" mian="" mixed="" more="" no="" not="" of="" on="" only="" options="" or="" plesae="" portion="" regualry="" rice="" same="" say="" serving="" singapore="" t="" tau="" that="" the="" there="" time="" to="" used="" vege="" was="" week="" weeks="" weight="" whenever="" whole="" will="" worries="" worry="" xd="" yong="" you="" your="">
Let's go out for dinner? No!
Let's go out for movie? No!
It was like a no for me for around the first 2 weeks I stay in Singapore because I'm tired of walking and I just have my weekends to actually rest my both side legs.I have a question to my friend who staying in Singapore too , why everyone hang out on Friday and Saturday perhaps stay in the house and relax themselves? Now I realize, it was because the house in Singapore is quite small , oh no is tiny I meant *haha
Is time to unwind for them.
Lesson 5 - Eat and Enjoy & Spend when you need it !
Okay , that's all for today I'll share more for next turn :) Good night
P/S: Need to wake up arounf 5.30 AM